Science Reuters

Production of an Instant Functional Beverage from Golden Berry

The demand for functional foods and beverages has increased in many countries all over the world. The different approaches have been conducted in order to develop the functional foods and beverages such as; exploitation of microorganism functionality, optimization of the production and formulation of novel functional beverages, use of pre-biotics, processing of natural ingredients, use of by-products of fruit and food industries as functional ingredients1.

Natural products have been used since ancient times and in folklore for the treatment of many diseases and illnesses. One of these natural products is a plant called golden berry. It is an Indonesian local plant which belongs to the family Solanaceae and there it is known as Ciplukan.

Ciplukan has been known as a natural resource that contains saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols and physalin2. Especially, physalin is as an active compound contributes to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In practically, all parts of ciplukan plant such as leaves, fruits, stems and roots were used for functional beverage in liquid form. However, this existing product has some limitations such as limited shelf life, undesirable aroma and bitter taste3.

The existing functional liquid ciplukan beverage has a short shelf life due to the presence of high moisture content. This condition indicates a high water activity which leads the quality loss in products by increasing the enzyme activity and microbial growth. Therefore, the reducing moisture content in a product is considered for extending the shelf life.

Cassia vera has high amount of antioxidants that’s why it was suggested as an additive ingredient which gave a good result on sensory properties. Therefore, a new study was conducted in order to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory properties of an instant functional beverage which was formulated using ciplukan plant as the main material with Cassia vera powder4.

Ciplukan has been consumed as liquid for many years in Indonesia. Consumers dislike ciplukan due to its undesirable aroma and bitter taste when it is consumed as liquid and there is no development of powdered ciplukan beverages till date. The aim of the new study was to produced a powdered beverage that derived from ciplukan and also improved the consumer acceptance of the product by the addition of Cassia vera.

The use of Cassia vera in the production of functional beverage has been developed in many products such as instant pegagan, instant coffee and ginger beverage and make it as a popular additive ingredient for healthy products5.

Last but not the least, It was concluded that utilizing all natural ingredients for the production of functional food products make the consumer comfortable and satisfied with the taste and functionality of ingredients. The production of ciplukan powdered beverage with addition of Cassia vera had shown significant improvement in functionality, practicality and consumers acceptance of existing ciplukan-derived beverage. It is suggested that this product is required for enrichment of foods and beverages diversity in Indonesia.

Keywords: Ciplukan, Cassia vera, instant functional beverage production, liquid, powdered, Golden Berry


  1. Corbo, M.R., A. Bevilacqua, L. Petruzzi, F.P. Casanova and M. Sinigaglia, 2014. Functional beverages: The emerging side of functional foods. Compr. Rev. Food Sci. Food Saf., 13: 1192-1206.
  2. Shingu, K., S. Yahara, H. Okabe and T. Nohara, 1992. Three new withanolides, physagulins E, F and G from Physalis angulate L. Chem. Pharma. Bull., 40: 2448-2451.
  3. Chiang, H.C., S.M. Jaw and P.M. Chen, 1992. Inhibitory effects of physalin B and physalin F on various human leukemia cells in vitro. Anticancer Res., 12: 1155-1162.
  4. Firdausni, Failisnur and Y.H. Diza, 2011. Potency of Cassia vera pigment in ginger drink instant as a functional drink. J. Litbang Industri, 1: 15-21.
  5. Corbo, M.R., A. Bevilacqua, L. Petruzzi, F.P. Casanova and M. Sinigaglia, 2014. Functional beverages: The emerging side of functional foods. Compr. Rev. Food Sci. Food Saf., 13: 1192-1206.

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